Monday 24 August 2015

Wild Things

We made paper bag masks of Wild Things which will go in the foyer for everyone to see when we so the school production called "Story Flight."
I think we all look very wild!

Tuesday 4 August 2015


We have been busy writing riddles this week. Come on in and see them published in our room. Enjoy reading them.
I am fluffy.
I am black and white.
I am endangered.
I live in the Chinese forest.
I like bamboo.
I am big.
What am I?
I am a panda.

By Chloe White

I have gold feathers and black feathers.
I have eggs and chicks.
I live in a nest.
I sleep in the night.
I go out to get worms for my chicks.
What am I?
I am a black hen.

By Taliyah Harris

I am endangered.
I am nocturnal.
I can dig in the ground.
My eyes are on the side of my head.
What am I?
I am a Brown Kiwi

By Charlie Armitage

I glow in the dark.
We are found in caves.
My tail glows.
What am I?
I am a glow worm.

By Jordan Vercoe

I am very dark furred.
I come out late at night.
I get killed a lot.
I have long claws like a ferret.
What am I?
I am a possum.

By Sage Harrington

I am endangered.
My tail is a long as a dinosaur.
I am also nocturnal.
I am as brown as wood.
I am found on the Kepler Track.
What am I?
I am a long tailed bat.

By AJ Magness

I’m nocturnal.
I sleep in the day.
I am awake in the night.
I eat worms and mice.
I have big eyes.
I have a small beak.
What am I?
I am a morepork.

By Josh Smith

I am blue and black.
I have a curled beak.
I am a native bird.
You find me in a tree.
I can fly on the Kepler Track.
What am I?
I am a Tui

By Kaira Beyers

I have white feathers and a red beak.
I eat fish and go on rocks.
I fly a lot and I travel.
What am I?
I am a seagull.

By Misha Tamatea

I’m as thin as paper.
I’m green like grass.
I live in the lake.
My favourite food it toes.
What am I?
I am an eel.

By Millia Botting

I am grey.
I live in rotten wood, sometimes you find me hiding in tree stumps.
I have an antennae.
What am I?
I am a slater.

By Jack Campbell

I look like a hawk.
I am a native bird.
You might see me when you go on walks on the Kepler Track.
I sometimes go in the mountains.
What am I?
I am a falcon.

By Oliver Sheppard

I hop instead of walk.
I am awake in the morning and at night.
I am soft like a blanket.
What am I?
I am a rabbit.

By Ella Johnstone

I am nocturnal.
I have a very long nose.
My Nostrils are at the end of my nose.
I have very strong legs.
What am I?
I am a kiwi.

By Grace Perry

I am fast like a cheetah.
I eat kiwi eggs.
I am nocturnal.
People try to get rid of me.
What am I?
I am a stoat.

By Xavier Wybrow

I am a predator.
I live on the Kepler Track.
I eat nocturnal birds that lay eggs.
I live on the Kepler Track.
I have sharp claws like a tiger.
What am I?
I am a wild cat.

By Hayden Scott

I am black and white like and All Blacks fan.
I have wings but I can not fly.
I go out in the mornings to get food and come back in the evening.
When people come near I do not like it.
What am I?
I am a penguin.

By Maki Kameyama

I am nocturnal.
My nose is at the end of my beak.
I eat long, pink worms.
My beak is long like a frog’s tongue.
What am I?
I am a Kiwi

By Greer Knowles

I am nocturnal.
I am normally found in a dark, spooky cave.
I don’t like my neighbour, I will eat it if it is too close.
My tail glows.
What am I?
I am a glow worm.

By Daniel Donovan

I am nocturnal.
I live in a hollow tree.
I am a native bird.
I have bright yellow eyes like a highlighter.
What am I?
I am a morepork.

By Morgan Sandilands

I am very hard to catch, because I am hard to see.
My tail can come off.
I can dig down in the ground.
You can find me in Samoa.
What am I?
I am a lizard or a gecko.

By William Light

I am an insect.
People are scared of me.
I live underground.
I have eight legs.
I eat flies and bugs.
What am I?
I am a spider.

By Pauline Nath

I can swim but not water walk.
I can breathe underwater.
I am big not little.
I can eat you.
What am I?
I am a blue shark.

By Hunter Ledington

I am nocturnal.
I have a long tail.
I live in a big old tree, in Knobs Flat.
I am brown like a fence.
What am I?
I am a long tailed bat.

By Georgia Shanks

I live in dark places.
I make hammocks.
I have light at the end of my tail from my hammock, it is a stick thread.
What am I?
I am a glow worm.

By Josh P

I am hairy
Some people are scared of me.
I don’t have two eyes.
I eat flies.
What am I?
I am a spider.

By Hannah Norris